**There were problems with the trial period for version 4.11, as well as a corrupted download file. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused. Trial period problems have been fixed. Thanks for your patience.**
•Drag-And-Drop support for list views. You can now drag selection ranges from list views onto locations in the "Locations" window. Option key down signifies "Copy", otherwise Move occurs. Currently, this drag-and-drop is internal to ImageViewer (i.e. won't be meaningful elsewhere).
•Preview & Icon creation. Has been improved to use preference settings at all times, linking preview and icon creation if settings dictate. Also, if "Apply At Open" is checked, previews and icons are created during gallery displays if previews don't exist. Command-Period to halt preview creation now works.
•Delete Alert. Always appears if there is a current selection in a single image mode. This so Command-D for deselect (PhotoShop) doesn't cause unwanted delete.
•Printing List Views. Now functioning.
•List View window title. Now shows folder name for currently selected file (the first file if multiple selection).
•Status Message Area. Has been moved to top of window to right of controls.
Preview creation memory leaks have been fixed. Alterations to preference settings no longer occur.
Locations window had problems when more than the first 4 slots were used. All slots should work ok now.
Problems with alias files, as part of file list, have been fixed. The true file is used in place of the alias, as it should be.
Numerous other small bug fixes.
Clicking in a list view with a selection sometimes causes a crash in drag-and-drop code. I haven't been able to get this to happen consistently yet, but will fix soon.